The VST600-FT is a great investment for those looking to strengthen their entire body. Its intuitive design and heavy-duty construction make it ideal for use in any fitness facility. The laser-cut, robotic-welded design, reinforced pulleys, aluminum end caps, cast-steel plates, one-piece aluminum selector pin, and two-layer powder-coat finish provide exceptional durability.
The multi-position pull-up handles offer a greater variety of exercises, while the 1:2 pulley ratio ensures smooth operation for explosive exercises. The low starting weight also makes it accessible for users of all abilities. Adjustment points are clearly indicated, and one-handed pulley adjustment makes operation easy. Placards also highlight targeted muscle groups and proper user positioning for a wide range of exercises.
This functional trainer also comes equipped with two D-handles and six storage pegs for easy access to extra training handles and accessories. Additionally, an optional handle package is available that includes a V-bar, triceps rope, and curl bar. Our exercise library also offers a complete collection of guided movements to help users achieve their fitness goals with the versatile Functional Trainer and its accessories.