Weider 8500 Pro
Weider 8500 Pro in Dubai
Weider 8500 Pro in UAE
Weider 8500 Pro Suppliers

Weider 8500 Pro (+ 5% VAT)

Regular price 6,499.00 AED


Weider 8500 Pro – The Wise Choice forThe Aspiring Pro

You work hard to earn your money, now you have room for a home gym you want to spend your money wisely and get the most bang for your buck right?

Yes, of course!

At the same time you don’t want to waste your money on a machine that is horrible to use, you won’t here.

With 8 main different stations and over 1000 possible exercise options you are set to achieve the body of your dreams.

What are the main stations on the Weider multigym/smith machine?

  • Lat-pulldown
  • 2 x high pulley station
  • 1 low pulley with a plate you can use for rowing sitting on the floor
  • Smith machine with integrated and adjustable security stops
  • Chest fly station
  • Multi-grip pull-up station
  • Quad and hamstring station
  • Preacher curl bench


Some other cool features:

  • Light commercial grade construction
  • 4 pillar smith machine that provides more stability and safety for exercises like heavy bench press and squats
  • Integrated weight plate storage
  • Bench included (with incline, flat and decline as well as military press adjustability).


Worried about installation, don’t be, we do it all and If you’ve got an itch to get working out soon, that’s also covered, we deliver quickly!